These are some of the photos taken at our July meeting. We had a dress Patriotic evening. There are a few photos of the Historic Marker installation. Also a photo of Jamie Rice showing the location of our booth during the Dedication of our Historic Marker commemorating the Southern Potteries Company which made Blue Ridge Pottery. All interested in watching the dedication of our new sign, please attend our ceremony on Tuesday, JULY 17, 2018, at 7 PM during the Farmer's Market in the Court House parking lot on Main. The Blue Ridge Pottery Club booth will be selling Blue Ridge Pottery dishes, remaining Christmas ornaments from the Kiwanis, and possibly tickets for a donation of $1 toward winning a set of Blue Ridge Pottery dishes donated by Joey Lewis and Glenna Lewis of the Valley Beautiful Mall located on Main. The drawing will be on October 6th at the Blue Ridge Pottery Show on Mohawk Drive.